Security in your checkpoints through a simple health questionnaire.

Collects information regarding the users' health status prior to entering a complex or establishment.
A fully customizable tool whose purpose is to collect information regarding the users' health status prior to entering a complex or establishment, in accordance with your in-house data protection rules (defined by the customer). Identifies and predicts contagions when applied to:
Pre-registered guests
Walk-in visitors
Each question and phase of the questionnaire are weighted so that the result represents the probability of risk of contagion of the person who answers it
Internal Personnel
For internal employees, the system generates a QPass® Code to enter the complex, a different QR Code to see the on-site doctor prior to their activities or if it is convenient for them to stay at home (and does not generate any code)
Visitors, suppliers, and guests
For walk-in visitors the questionnaire is provided via a QR code that can be scanned with any smartphone or tablet at the registration desk, to respond a questionnaire as part of the access process

Access via a website or mobile application
Integration with the access control system
Assistant in implementation of prevention measures (COVID-19)
Medical prevention and timely referral to a family physician after results
Additional functionality
Prevent infections in areas under your responsibility..
Body-temperature reading
Identify if any person, prior to their access, has a temperature above normal and prevent risks of contagion in your facilities.
READ MOREOccupancy Control
Ensure maximum occupancy compliance. Monitor entry and exit of people, detection of presence, or combine both technologies.
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